Monday, December 7, 2020

A short story that's basically the same as just listening to me talk on any given day

The Under Review, a newish literary journal whose niche is that everything they publish has a sports nexus, just put out its third issue, and my story is one of the entries in it. I know I've written about Lebron James on this blog before, because there's literally no subject on the planet I can't somehow tie to Lebron. This story is about a father who is chagrined at how much joy his teenage son seems to be getting out of watching a video of one of the more humiliating moments of Lebron's life. This father reacted with a lot more chill than I would have. 

I'm still grinding through Best American Short Stories, and hope to have all twenty stories done in time for students assigned them in the coming semester to plagiarize my work. 

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