This is just a note to say that I realize it's been a while since I last posted. I do intend to try to get back to the short story anthology blog-through soon. Just been a lot going on personally the last few weeks. Like, a lot. I know I'm not unusual to be going through stuff, and generally, I've got it okay. I'd say I'm grateful, but it always seems weird to me to be grateful when, as an agnostic, I have no object of gratitude. I guess I'm just grateful to the universe, although that never feels quite right, either, because part of gratefulness is that I have it better than most, which is sort of including the relative badness that others endure as part of being thankful. So maybe not grateful, but more that I acknowledge my relative good fortune. I apologize for having been self-indulgently self-pitying at times on this blog, although I guess that goes with the territory of being a writer sometimes.
I will attempt to both get back to the literary analysis soon and to be a better person in general. It's never clear to me if those two things are linked, if reading literature closely can help one to be a better person of if it's actually the opposite, and literature is bad for one's moral development. In any event, I'm going to try to accomplish both things, and soon. Thanks for reading.
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