Thursday, March 26, 2020

One of my stories about what life on Earth used to be like for some people gets published

It seems hard to believe now that I once wrote a short story that was a psychological profile of a husband cheating on his wife. Today, I wrote an email to someone that ended, more or less, with, "I really hope you aren't one of the people who dies." At some point, I more than half believe, normal life will continue, which means people will resume making the same hopeful, misguided, and doomed choices they hope will lead them to happiness they've always made. I look at this story as a reminder of the kinds of mistakes we'll hopefully one day be lucky enough to be making again.

This story is published in the Northern Virginia Review, making this the third local journal to publish my work: The Baltimore Review, The Potomac Review, and now this. I wonder if being local actually helped me get published in these journals. Do they look at my bio and weigh my home address in the balance when deciding what to publish?

In any event, NoVa Review does a really attractive hard copy that they put a lot of effort into. But they're not going to be able to do this one in hard copy, at least any time soon, since the journal is tied to a college and has university students who put it together. So all they've got now is the Adobe document for what would have been the spring 2020 edition. As online literary journals go, it's not the best, because you essentially have to just click all the way through it. I'm all the way on page 87. It looks like it would have been a really attractive magazine. The link is here:

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