Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I am up now on Substack

For a few years now, I've been concerned that this might not be the best place for this blog. A number of people have told me it's clunky and inconvenient posting comments on here. I've tried a few times to set something up on Substack, and now, I think I'm finally up for the foreseeable future. I wanted to change the title from Workshop Heretic. That title fit what I originally imagined the blog would be, but it hardly encapsulates the content that's here now. But ultimately, I felt like it would be best to keep the name, so I'm stuck with the six-second decision I made more than ten years ago. 

I'm not really sure Substack is easier to use, either. I've found it a little frustrating, and I don't think you can just Google a subject and click a link like you can with this blog. I think you need some kind of account. So I might ditch Substack after a while, but for now, anything I post here is going to be posted there as well. 

If you've been following me here and finding it hard to interact, maybe give Substack a try. Then like and subscribe, or whatever the hell they do over there. 

I am planning to do Best American Short Stories again this fall, after quitting 35% of the way in last year. That's by far the reason most people visit this blog, and the reason you likely know me at all. After that, who knows? 

1 comment:

  1. My links are the best. People tell me that all the time. I'm a genius at putting together URLs. Not weird at all.


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